The time has finally arrived for Apple to launch their first company-owned retail store in India. Following a delay in plans that go back as far as 2021, the tech giant – known for producing some of the best laptops on the market in the form of the MacBook range – has had its eye on the South Asian market for some time. The Covid-19 global pandemic may have prevented this store from opening a few years ago, but with that additional time to prepare, Apple are keen to make a huge impression.
Based in the Jio World Drive Mall in Mumbai, India, this Apple store will help solidify their commitment to the Indian and South Asian market. Production of iPhones relocated to the country recently with iPads and AirPods set to follow in the coming months. While no open date is confirmed just yet, the Apple BKC store is currently covered up with incredible artwork inspired by the Kaali Peeli taxis, native to Mumbai.
With Apple currently in a holding pattern between releases, it seems like a great time to announce this venture and once again show a commitment to the country of India. The Economic Times report that over $9 Billion worth of smartphones have been exported from India since April 2022 with $2 Billion of this in the first two months of 2023 alone. They also state that Apple and Samsung play the biggest role in this value which should come as a surprise to no one.
Apple CEO Tim Cook stated in a December earnings call that they will be ‘bullish’ on the Indian market and was excited by the prospects that it presents. We can only imagine that this will help with the sales of MacBook, iPad, and AirPod products as well as their iPhone range. It seems Apple are far from done with South Asian market and will continue to place a heavy focus there given their pre-existing dominance in markets like Europe and North America.